Boat rental in Rome · Bavaria — Bavaria 46 (1996)

Description of Claudio's sailboat
Bavaria - Bavaria 46 | 9 People
Beautiful bavaria46 with which you can spend wonderful days of fun and light-heartedness in the company of friends and/or family. The boat is a 14.40 mi long sailing sloop, comfortable and spacious, it is equipped with 4 cabins (2 double and 2 triple) and 2 bathrooms, one of which with a walk-in shower, a large dinette, a well-organized kitchen, and can accommodate up to 10 people. skipper included It is possible to organize weekends and weekly tours that will allow you to reach the beautiful Pontine islands and other destinations. Skipper, tender with engine, everything is available to guests, included in the price. The costs for the galley, fuel, possible ports, sheets (10 euros per person) are instead charged to the guests. The skipper with many years of experience will guide you during your pleasant stay. Wide availability in creating personalized offers to best satisfy the your needs for any further information or request do not hesitate to contact me. It is recommended by the captain to book for a minimum of 3 days to fully enjoy the Italian waters, but daily midweek charters are also available upon request. Text me on Click&Boat for more info!
Boat layout

Equipment available on the sailboat
Services provided by claudio

Offered by Claudio
Sono Claudio, uno skipper appassionato di avventure in mare. Sin da quando ero giovane, ho sviluppato un amore profondo per il mare e la navigazione. La mia passione per il mare mi ha portato a dedicare gran parte della mia vita alla vela e all'esplorazione marittima. Ho iniziato a navigare fin da bambino, trascorrendo le estati a bordo di una piccola barca a vela insieme alla mia famiglia. Man mano che crescevo, ho approfondito la mia conoscenza della vela partecipando a regate locali e a competizioni nazionali. Ho imparato le tecniche di navigazione, la gestione delle vele e la sicurezza in mare, acquisendo una solida base di competenze che mi hanno reso un marinaio esperto.
Location of the sailboat: Fiumicino/anzio, Rome